Quick Start

First, download the HEPtools installer tarball and extract it.

Make sure you have all necessary packages installed:

 pip3 install -r requirements.txt

You can also install the packages in optional-requirements.txt if desired, but be warned that these include pytorch (for ML applications) which is rather large.

Make sure all scripts are executable, then run:

 ./installHEPtools.py --All


 python3 installHEPtools.py --All

This will download and install the latest versions of BSMArt and all relevant HEP tools to the directory it is executed from. Note that this no longer includes HiggsBounds and HiggsSignals by default, since they are deprecated in favour of HiggsTools; you can still install them by including --HiggsBounds and/or --HiggsSignals explicitly. It may then be convenient to add the BSMArt_v1.2/bin directory to your PATH environment variable.

Next, run the QuickStart.py script:



python3 QuickStart.py

This will run SARAH to generate the files for the MSSM, and create two simple scans in the directory BSMArt_QuickStart.

The first is a lighning fast scan:

cd BSMArt_QuickStart
../BSMArt_v1.2/bin/BSMArt lightning_MSSM.json

This quickly runs a random scan over 100 points in the m0/m12 plane of the CMSSM and produces results and plots, stored in


It uses no tools other than SPheno, so just plots the one-loop Higgs mass.

The second scan is a simple MCMC which illustrates the use of the tools. To run it, you type:

cd BSMArt_QuickStart
../BSMArt_v1.2/bin/BSMArt QuickStart_MSSM.json

This runs a sample scan in the CMSSM on a single core for 100 points. The results are stored in


which should include the points kept by the MCMC (in Results/MCMC_run_0), all spectrum files concatenated (in Spectrum_Files/MSSM_Output) and a comma separated value file with the inputs and observables in Spectrum_Files/MSSM_Output.csv, as well as plots (in the Plots subdirectory) and scripts to (re)produce them.

If you already have the necessary tools installed (SARAH, SPheno, HiggsBounds, HiggsSignals, MicrOMEGAs, VevaciousPlusPlus) you can skip the install script by creating a file HEPtoolpaths.json which contains the paths, e.g.


"SARAH": "<SOME PATH>/SARAH-4.15.1",
"SPheno": "<SOME PATH>/SPheno-4.0.5",
"HiggsBounds": "<SOME PATH>/higgsbounds-5.10.2/build",
"HiggsSignals": "<SOME PATH>/higgssignals-2.6.2/build",
"HiggsTools": "<SOME PATH>/higgstools-1.0.1/build",
"MicrOMEGAs": "<SOME PATH>/micromegas_5.3.41",
"Vevacious++": "<SOME PATH>/VevaciousPlusPlus-master",
"BSMArt": "<SOME PATH>/BSMArt_v1.2"    

The configuration scripts will also pick up HackAnalysis if it has been installed and the path(s) placed in the same HEPtoolspaths.json file.

For more detailed information about writing your own scans, please see the BSMArt paper