This is a hackable code for implementing particle level analyses which may have non-standard features, e.g. disappearing tracks.

Download latest version: Download v2.0

If you use it, please cite the papers arXiv:2106.08815 in collaboration with Lakshmi Priya, and the upcoming paper with Diyar Agin, Benjamin Fuks and Taylor Murphy, along with the references for the prerequisite codes and analyses(see below).

ATLAS Soft Lepton searches

Run 2 Monojet searches

ATLAS Electroweakino

CMS Disappearing Track run 2 searches

Together these make up 140 inverse femtobarns of run 2 data and are known as CMS_DT

ATLAS displaced vertex searches

With vesion 1.2 the HackAnalysis code developed along with the implementation in MadAnalysis and reported in arXiv:2112.05163 is finally released:

Notably in HackAnalysis pileup can be included.


Mark Goodsell


This repository holds the code for recasting the above searches corresponding to v2 of “HackAnalysis” along with validation material and auxiliary scripts.


Needed are:

  • A recent version of Pythia 8 (8.303 and up)
  • FastJet
  • HepMC2 e.g. v2.06.11, built with
  • YODA (for producing histograms). The code also uses the YAML reader embedded within YODA.
  • Standard libraries (e.g zlib)

For HEPMC we need length to be mm and energy in GeV, so e.g. for 2.06.10:

cd hepmc-2.06.10
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Dmomentum:STRING=GEV -Dlength:STRING=CM ..

Optionally the ONNX library can be linked

Some code has been taken/modified from the following:

  • HEPUtils and a little from MCUtils by Andy Buckley
  • Some small parts from the ATLAS HSCP code by Andre Lessa.
  • (A very small amount from) GAMBIT
  • Eigen 3. This is just bundled with the installation as-is.
  • RestFrames; this has been extensively edited to work without root.


Within the installation directory, edit the file:


#### Here a subtlety, need e.g.:
#### YAMLpath=<where your YODA code is>/YODA-1.8.5/src/yamlcpp

If in any doubt about the YAMLpath, just look for where the directory src/yamlcpp is located within your YODA installation.

If you are using YODA 2, you must specify


For previous versions delete or comment out that line. This is because the include paths changed within Yoda from version 2 up.

All necessary tools can be installed and the file created by the provided script.

Then the code can be compiled with


which will produce the executables

analysePYTHIA.exe, analysePYTHIA_LHE.exe, analyseHEPMC.exe, analyseHAEVENT.exe

They can of course also be built separately. If you want to disable HEPMC (or you cannot install it) then you can skip that executable but you will also need to remove reference to the headers in the code. Similarly fastjet could equivalently (as the code currently runs) be replaced with fjcore with some small modifications, but if you want to trial e.g. pileup subtraction you need the full fastjet.

To test that the installation has succeeded, run the basic executable:

cd InputFiles
../analysePYTHIA.exe LOpythia.yaml

This will generate 1000 events for winos of 700 GeV and decay lenght 1000cm (as specified in the LOpythia.yaml file) and will produce LO.yoda, LO.eff and LO_cf.eff as outputs. You can then check that the results are sensible by executing the limits script:

python3 ../Scripts/ LO.eff

which should tell you that the point is challenged by both the DT_CMS analysis (CLs limit ~0.93) and excluded by the HSCP_ATLAS analysis (CLs limit ~0.999). See below for more about this script.


Each of the three executables takes a YAML file as input in place of a load of settings. Examples are provided in the InputFiles subdirectory, so they can be launched by

./analysePYTHIA_LHE.exe myinput.yaml

The exception is the analyseHEPMC.exe which can also accept just the hepmc filename, e.g.:

./analyseHEPMC.exe unweighted_events.hepmc.gz

In this case the code runs with default options.

Mode 1: analysePYTHIA.exe

This file will run leading order event generation within pythia, so requires a configuration file according to the standard pythia settings. It can run with multiple cores so is rather fast. However I have not included validation of this because it cannot accurately simulate the MET distribution, but it is the fastest way to test that things are running.

Mode 2: analysePYTHIA_LHE.exe

This file requires Les Houches Event files (e.g. from MadGraph) split into one chunk per core. This can be done with the provided

python --ncores=4 <path-to-lhe-file> 

The file can be either compressed or uncompressed. The output will be a number of compressed files put into the subdirectory “Split” from where it is run labelled “Split/split_0.lhe.gz”, “Split/split_1.lhe.gz”, … which can then be read by the main executable. In this case the YAML file looks like e.g.

  nevents: 150000
  cores: 15
  Include Pileup: true
  Efficiency Filename: CKKWL.eff
  Cutflow Filename: CKKWL_cf.eff
  Histogram Filename: CKKWL.yoda
  LHE file: Split/split
  Config file: CKKWL.cfg

Here we need a configuration file for pythia with any setting for the showering. Since the events should be generated with up to two additional partons to (more) accurately simulate the MET and pT distributions, sample configurations are provided for MLM and CKKW-L matching/merging.

Note that the matching/merging scale – as in MadGraph – needs to be set appropriately to the hard process being simulated. This is specified withing the .cfg files for pythia.

Mode 3: analyseHEPMC.exe

This executable requires a hepmc v2 file as input, either uncompressed – or compressed. This is especially intended for events simulated and showered within MadGraph. This can only function in single core mode (as it can only read one event at a time from the file …) but then comes with no special settings, e.g.:

  nevents: 150000
  cores: 1
  Include Pileup: false
  Efficiency Filename: HEPMC.eff
  Cutflow Filename: HEPMC_cf.eff
  Histogram Filename: HEPMC.yoda

This is probably the simplest way to run the program, but is relatively slow due to the file manipulations and lack of multicore running (presumably putting the hepmc events into a fifo would be faster).

Mode 4: analyseHAEVENT.exe

In order to save (a lot of) time when developing an analysis, it is possible to save the results of the “detector simulation” step. These can be created by setting the options in the yaml file when running one of the other executables:

  Store Events: true
  Store Hadrons: false

The option for Store Hadrons determines whether we store all the final-state hadronic particles. These add a significant amount to the file size and are only necessary if your analysis handles isolation itself, so by default they are dropped.

The created files are named hackanalysis_events_0.ha.gz, hackanalysis_events_1.ha.gz,..., up to the number of cores. In the yaml file for analyseHAEVENT.exe` the stub for these should be given as:

  LHE file: hackanalysis_events_

or if only a single core is desired, the full name should be given:

  LHE file: hackanalysis_events_0.ha.gz

In this way, millions of events can be reprocessed in times of a few seconds, leading to huge time savings when making modifications to an analysis. The event format is very similar to LHE files, and in the future if there is demand it could be easily made compatible.


The code is able to include the effect of pileup, even if it does not appear important for many analyses. The default pileup filename is minbias.dat.gz which should be in the directory from which the file is launched; to generate this some code is provided in the GeneratePileup directory.


The code writes an “efficiency file” which is an SLHA-style format with information about the cross-section and efficiencies of each cut; a “cutflow file” which is a rather verbose textfile with information about the cutflows; and a YODA file with the booked histograms. In addition, all results are stored in a json file, by default HackAnalysis.json (but this can be changed by the parameter JSON File in the yaml input file) which can be easily read by e.g. python programs for processing statistics, writing latex etc.

A script provided can be used with the efficiency file to calculate limits for the original analyses:

python3 efficiencyfile.eff [cross-section]

where the cross-section is optional. In the PYTHIA running modes the cross-section is taken from pythia and written into the efficiency file. However, you may want to use NLO-NLL values from elsewhere, in which case the option is useful. Moreover, in HEPMC mode the cross-section is not provided at all so it must be specified by the user. In the case of running from madgraph these can be found in the


file. Note that the output of the limit script will give a description of the merged regions, and the final lines should be like

Analysis: DT_CMS, Best region: 2, Best CLs limit: 0.929, Upper cross-section limit: 1.054e+01 fb
Analysis: HSCP_ATLAS, Best region: 4, Best CLs limit: 0.999, Upper cross-section limit: 3.257e+00 fb

By “CLs limit” we really mean 1-CLs; values above 0.95 are excluded at 95% confidence level.

A new python package is provided for general handling of the analyses that use pyhf or simplified likelihoods in the Statistics directory. These can be simply used by

python3 <efficiency file>


Extensive validation has been performed, please see the github, website or the papers for more information (it is not included here to save space).


Thanks go to:

  • Lakshmi Priya for collaboration on this analysis (and the related paper) for more than a year!
  • Brian Francis of CMS for many helpful comments and discussions.
  • Jack Araz, Benjamin Fuks and Manuel Utsch for collaboration on closely related topics in the context of MadAnalysis!
  • Diyar Agin for collaboration on implementing analyses
  • Taylor Murphy for help with validation
  • Sabine Kraml and Andre Lessa for discussions about the acceptances.


Having borrowed code from elsewhere it is only reasonable that this code can be reused/repurposed by anyone who finds it useful – provided that they credit its origin!

It is therefore understood to be released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3 (as required by the corresponding licence of heputils).

Version 2.0 released!

Version 2.0 has been released! This is a major upgrade with many new features. A paper describing the validation for the new analyses will appear on Monday, and a manual is in preparation.

Version 1.2 released!

Version 1.2 has been released! Along with minor tweaks, this includes the ATLAS-SUSY-2017-04 displaced vertices analyses written with Manuel Utsch that were included in MadAnalysis in arXiv:2112.05163, also with Jack Araz and Benjamin Fuks. There is also a script that you can download to install all the relevant tools and set up your HackAnalysis makefile with the correct paths. The release is timed to be in line for the upcoming release of BSMArt which features HackAnalysis integration. [Read More]

Paper on the arXiv!

The paper arXiv:2106.08815 describing Version 1.0 of HackAnalysis is on the arXiv. Along with validation, it includes the application to a simple model including charged scalars that only produce double-disappearing-track events.